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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Qualitative
  • Library / Doctrinal
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

For many centuries, the concept of food security was understood to mean the capability of a nation's farmers, ranchers, and fishermen to provide enough of the food they produce to meet the needs of their whole population (Alexandratos, 2017). The concept of food security has evolved in recent years with the growth of international commerce and specialization. Because of the rapid increase in global food production and the liberalization of international commerce, nations whose circumstances are less favorable are now able to acquire the food they need from other markets. Incomes, not national output, were the primary determinant of who had access to food (Alston, 2019). It was decided that financial stability was more important than food security. Economists wanted to treat food and agrarian products the same as other goods, and they wanted to make the volume and structure of domestic food production subordinate to market regulations and the comparative costs rule. This perspective was influenced by economists who wanted to treat food and agrarian products the same as other goods. The only thing that has reignited the discussion on food security at the household, national, regional (like the European Union), and global levels is the global financial crisis that occurred in 2007 and 2008. (Beintema, 2019). Food security can only be accomplished by simultaneously providing economic and social security, maintaining domestic production at a level that ensures food accessibility and either international commerce or food reserves, and guaranteeing that both processing and distribution are operating well. The implementation of structural and institutional changes in the political, economic, and social spheres are the primary contributors to food security. In a world with finite resources, the European Union, which has the greatest economy in the world, has the potential to play a significant part in guaranteeing the safety of the world's food supply (Bruinsma, 2019). The discussion over the direction that the Common Agricultural Policy will take after the year 2013 is now in progress. In the United States, the social and economic issue of people not having enough food due to a lack of resources, circumstances, or other limitations is referred to as food scarcity or food insecurity. These two phrases are often used synonymously (Evenson, 2020). This definition, which is supported by the ethnographic research that was carried out by Jaafar, (2018), added that food scarcity or insecurity is experienced when there is (1) uncertainty about future food availability and access, (2) insufficiency in the amount and kind of food that is required for a healthy lifestyle, or (3) the need to use socially unacceptable ways to acquire food and a concurrence of crises that would not allow availability of food production. This definition was supported by the fact that (1) uncertainty about future food availability and access was supported

​​​​​​​Statement of the Problem

Poverty and low earnings continue to be the primary factors contributing to food insecurity. There is sufficient food accessible on a global scale; but, the majority of people lack the financial means to purchase it. A more congested global food market, in which there is less food available, makes the issue of food's cost even more difficult. Growth in incomes across the board is thus essential to the achievement of long-term reductions in world hunger (Evenson, 2020). Policies and investments that boost income growth are likely to lessen the need for short-term solutions that deal with the consequences of low incomes but do not address the underlying causes. These remedies are intended to cope with the effects of low earnings. However, there is no need to leave someone defenseless at any time (Fan, 2018). When individuals are living in such dire poverty that they cannot afford food, it is the responsibility of national governments to offer social safety nets as well as nutrition programs. When national governments do not have access to the necessary domestic resources, the international community may step in to fill the financing void that results. Therefore, this study will seek to  assess global food insecurity as a threat to national development; with reference to Nigeria from 2016 to 2021.

​​​​​​​Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to assess global food insecurity as a threat to national development; a case study of Nigeria from 2016 to 2021. The specific objective is as follows:

  1. To examine the factors responsible for the global food insecurity
  2. To investigate ways of ensuring global food availability.
  3. To find out the impact of global food insecurity on Nigeria s national development.
  4. To assess the role of food and agricultural trade in ensuring domestic food availability.

Research Questions

The following questions have been prepared for the study:

  1. What are the factors responsible for the global food insecurity?
  2. What are the ways of ensuring global food availability?
  3. What is the impact of global food insecurity on Nigeria s national development?
  4. What is the role of food and agricultural trade in ensuring domestic food availability?

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the Nigerian government as it will be exposed to the causes and effects of global food insecurity in Nigeria and the threat it poses to the Nigeria national development.

The study will be significant to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.

​​​​​​​Scope of the Study

The study will examine the factors responsible for the global food insecurity. The study will also investigate ways of ensuring global food availability. The study will further find out the impact of global food insecurity on Nigeria s national development. Lastly, the study will assess the role of food and agricultural trade in ensuring domestic food availability.

​​​​​​​Limitation of the Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researcher encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature. More so, the researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

Moreover, the case study method utilized in the study posed some challenges to the investigator including the possibility of biases and poor judgment of issues. However, the investigator relied on respect for the general principles of procedures, justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and weighing of evidence to overcome the challenges.

​​​​​​​Research Methodology

Research methodology deals with the different ways or methods the researcher applied in order to carry out the research as well as the instrument used for gathering the data. There are several research methodologies appropriate for answering the research questions. The type of research methodology used in this research to gather data and relevant information is the historical research and the study will adopt descriptive method of data collection. This will involve the collection of materials from secondary sources, such as books, journal articles, magazines, internet sources, international and national conference proceedings, published and unpublished articles.

Organization of the study

The study consisted of five chapters. Chapter one comprised background of the study  and a general introduction to the work. It included statement of problem of the study, highlighted the objectives of the study, the scope within which the research was conducted is also highlighted. An outline of how the work is organized is also detailed in the chapter one. The chapter two of the study reviewed the factors responsible for the global food insecurity. Chapter three investigate ways of ensuring global food availability. Chapter four  find out the impact of global food insecurity on Nigeria s national development and the chapter five is a summary of the major findings with recommendations and conclusion to the study.

​​​​​​​Definition of Terms

Global : relating to the whole world; worldwide.

food: any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

Insecurity: uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

National : relating to or characteristic of a nation; common to a whole nation

Development: the process of developing or being developed.

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